"What a pity"
"You never know"
"Watch Out!"
"Take it easy"
"No wonder"
"Stop messing around"
"Not my business"
"My goodness!"
"Kiss and make up"
"Keep dreaming"
"It turns out that"
"Inside out"
"Guess what"
"From A to Z"
De pe a pa, de cabo a rabo
"By heart"
"Be right back"
"As if..."
"Ages ago"
"Build castles in Spain"
Hacer castillos en el aire.
"It’s no use crying over spilt milk"
Es inútil llorar por lo que ya no tiene remedio.
"When pigs fly! "
Cuando las ranas críen pelo.
"We can talk about this till the cows come home… "
Podemos seguir hablando indefinidamente…
"Miss the boat"
"I heard it through the grapevine"
"Hit the nail on the head"
"Your guess is as good as mine "
"At the drop of a hat "
"Don’t judge a book by its cover"
No juzgues el libro por la portada
"The ball is in your court"
La pelota está en tu tejado
"Make yourself at home"
"He likes to blow his own trumpet"
Parece que no tiene abuela.
"Once in a blue moon "
"We caught him red handed"
Le pillamos con las manos en la masa.
"Every dog has its day"
A cada cerdo le llega su San Martín.
"Out of the frying pan and into the fire"
"I had to pay through my nose for this picture"
Me costó un pastón este cuadro.
"It costs an arm and a leg"
Cuesta un ojo de la cara.
"Alive and kicking "
"Kill two birds with one stone"
Matar dos pájaros de un tiro.
"I feel in good shape"
Me siento en buena forma.
"The baby is sleeping like a log"
El bebé está dormido como un tronco.
"I’m not in the mood for parties"
"You are the apple of my eye"
Eres la niña de mis ojos.
"Make my day"
"Make up your mind!"
"Break a leg! "
"I don’t want to work for peanuts"
No quiero trabajar por una miseria.
"I’m broke"
No tengo un duro, estoy sin blanca.
"Don’t pull my leg! "
"You must be kidding!"
"You’re a pain in the neck!"
"It’s on the tip of my tongue"
Lo tengo en la punta de la lengua.
"It’s piece of cake! "
"I’ve got butterflies in my stomach"
"Come rain or come shine "
Llueva o haga sol, en cualquier circunstancia.
"It never rains but it pours"
Los problemas nunca vienen solos.
"I feel a bit under the weather"
No me encuentro muy bien.
"The film had me on the edge of my chair"
La película me tenía en vilo.
"The film left me cold "
La película me dejó frío, no me impresionó.
"Do as you would be done by"
Haz lo que te gustaría que te hicieran a ti.